Accommodation, Advertising, Agriculture, Agro Processing, Animal Feed

Standards List

  1. GDS 25: 2003 - Requirements for the Assessment, Licensing and Registration of the Accommodation Sector
  2. GDS 46: 1998 - Requirements for Advertising – Advertising of Tobacco Products
  3. GDS 49: Part 1: 1999 - Requirements for Advertising: General
  4. GDS 49: Part 2: 2001 - Code of Practice for the Advertising of Food Products
  5. GDS 49: Part 3: 2002 - Requirements for the Advertising to Children
  6. GDS 77: 2004 - Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling &  Marketing of Organically Produced Foods
  7. GDS 80: 2006 - Code of Practice: Good Agricultural Practices for the Production of Fresh Produce
  8.  GDS 1: Part 4: 2018 - Specification for Labelling of Prepackaged Foods
  9. GDS 3: Part 1: 2011 - Code of Hygienic Practice: General Principles of Food Hygiene
  10. GDS 37: 1998 - Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)   System & Guidelines for Its Application
  11. GDS 42: 2020- Specification for Wet Seasoning (First Revision)
  12. GDS 45: 1998 - Specification for Jam, Jellies and Marmalades
  13. GDS 90: 2011 - Requirements for Good Management Practices for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
  14. GDS 1: Part 9: 2002 - Specification for the Labelling of Animal Feeds
  15. GDS 67: 2002 - Specification for Animal Feed (General)
  16. GDS 117: 2014 - Specification for Poultry Feed and Feed Ingredients

List By Category

GDS 25: 2003 - Requirements for the Assessment, Licensing and Registration of the Accommodation Sector

GDS 46: 1998 - Requirements for Advertising – Advertising of Tobacco Products
GDS 49: Part 1: 1999 - Requirements for Advertising: General
GDS 49: Part 2: 2001 - Code of Practice for the Advertising of Food Products
GDS 49: Part 3: 2002 - Requirements for the Advertising to Children

GDS 77: 2004 - Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling & Marketing of Organically Produced Foods
GDS 80: 2006 - Code of Practice: Good Agricultural Practices for the Production of Fresh Produce

GDS 1: Part 4: 2018 - Specification for Labelling of Prepackaged Foods
GDS 3: Part 1: 2011 - Code of Hygienic Practice: General Principles of Food Hygiene
GDS 37: 1998 - Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System & Guidelines for Its Application
GDS 42: 2020- Specification for Wet Seasoning (First Revision)
GDS 45: 1998 - Specification for Jam, Jellies and Marmalades
GDS 90: 2011 - Requirements for Good Management Practices for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

GDS 1: Part 9: 2002 - Specification for the Labelling of Animal Feeds
GDS 67: 2002 - Specification for Animal Feed (General)
GDS 117: 2014 - Specification for Poultry Feed and Feed Ingredients

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